Memmert Incubator IN / IF / INplus / IFplus
In the laboratory, the Memmert incubator I is ideal for all applications with temperatures up to +80°C – specifically for incubating living cultures at +37 °C. Thanks to the finely-tuned control technology, critical temperature overshoots are completely ruled out, valuable loads are therefore warmed up particularly carefully in this highly precise microbiological incubator.
- Temperature range up to +80 °C
- 8 model sizes (32 to 749 litres volume)
- 2 model variants: SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY
- Natural convection or forced air circulation N/F
- Double doors (interior glass, exterior stainless steel) for a clear view without a drop in temperature
- Activation of sterilisation routine via ControlCOCKPIT (TwinDISPLAY)