Micro Cast Film Line 35 mm: CFL 35
A representative test film is now obtained in just a few minutes with only a fraction of material used compared to conventional film development on laboratory equipment. The CFL 35 is especially useful when only a small amount of material is available, or when expensive additives are used, like nano-tubes, active pharmaceutical ingredients, etc..
- Our continuous feed kit, consisting of a mountable barrel hopper and continuous feed screws, makes it possible to process larger samples into extremely long film via continuous extrusion.
- The micro film line is able to produce cast film and sheet with 5 – 10 g samples. The integrated air knife can process film up to a width of ca. 35 mm.
- The film drawing speed is between 100 and 5000 mm/min and the drawing drum can be adjusted with increments of 1 mm/min.* The second, winding drum is torque controlled (its diameter will grow during the test run), and the winding torque can be adjusted with increments of 1 Nmm.
- In combination with our micro compounder, which is equipped with throughput control, you can produce a uniform film thickness without the use of a gear pump.
- Latest results show that films as thin as 5 µm can be obtained without holes.*
* Xplore proprietary technology