Automated Animal Watering
Custom Designed Automatic Watering solution for your facility, from water purification and treatment, to water distribution piping and drinking valves. Edstrom is capable of providing water to practically every animal in the vivarium. Whether you have mice, rats, dogs, guinea pigs, non-human primates, hogs, birds, cats, or rabbits, we have drinking valves to suit the species. Whether recirculation or flushing, each Edstrom Automated Watering System is individually engineered to deliver consistent, high quality, variable-free drinking water to all of your animals.
- Animals have access to clean, fresh water on demand – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Saves time and labor by reducing or eliminating your reliance on water bottles, allowing you to utilize staff in smarter ways
- Reduces ergonomic risks by removing all the heavy lifting, bending, twisting and turning associated with the labor-intensive bottle process
- Our unique Reverse "S" manifold design is a continuous section of pipe with no dead legs or places for bacteria to hide, allowing for thorough water exchange
- Every Edstrom drinking valve is specifically designed, precisely manufactured, expertly calibrated, and individually tested to ensure animal safety
- Complete monitoring of the automated watering system verifies performance and keeps all parameters under control, safeguarding your research animals and studies
- Reduces micro-environment intrusions